Q&A Relationship + Marriage Advice

We have been soooo busy this past week and a half with moving into our new house and just getting back from our honeymoon trip. I have never been so exhausted in my life especially since it is like over 100 degrees here in Arizona… so it is like the worst time to be moving.

SEND HELP!!!…….. jk, I’ll survive. But seriously it is dead hot over here!

Anyways, on to today’s post.

Since we have been so busy, I thought I would just do a Q&A with my hubby for you loves. I asked you all on Twitter and Instagram to ask us any questions your heart desires and answered all of them in a video!

If you aren’t already following me, then you definitely should because it would make my day! My Twitter and Instagram name is @druppertblog. Drop by and say hi♥

Most questions were about our relationship and the married life. And even some questions about the best day of our life: Our Wedding♥

Here is our video answering all the questions we got:

I hope you get some good advice out of our video – whether it be about relationships, marriage, or even planning a wedding.

Sorry this post is soo short this week… but I thought it was time for you all to get to know us a little bit more and it was the perfect time with us moving and all.

I want to thank you all for the constant support and love♥ I can’t even describe how much love I have for all my readers and supporters!

If you have any other questions for us please leave them in the comments below and I would be happy to answer them!

Love Always,


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