Blogger Recognition Award Nomination

I am so so so excited to announce that I have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by the lovely Samantha Marie. It seriously feels like a dream because I cannot believe I am only about a month into my blog and I am already nominated for a blogger award♥ I am just so thankful for the lovely people and bloggers that I have come to know throughout this journey so far!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated
    them and provide the link to the post you created.

I started my blog about a month ago and had the plan from the beginning that I was going to pour my passion into it. When I started this blog, I realized how much I love writing and how much I wanted to share my life and life’s adventures with whoever wanted to read. I never knew how many amazing people I would get to meet out of this decision. Starting this blog was the best decision I have ever made and I plan to continue to grow my blog into a life long partner because I have never wanted to put so much passion into something. My plan for my blog is to inspire people and share all my advice with all the lovely people that come across it. My blog is entirely about lifestyle that ranges from beauty and skincare to adventures and health/wellness by giving product reviews and sharing my life experiences.

I am still a fairly new blogger but… from what I have learned and experienced… my advice to new bloggers is to put your whole passion into your writing (whatever it may be) and make sure to make connections. Passion is what lights the fire to your blog and will be the thing that connects you to some wonderful people who truly love what you write about. Just be yourself and you will find people who really want to listen to what you put into your passion. Making connections through your passion is definitely something special, so do not steer away from connecting with your readers. Always respond to any comments and even reach out to your readers so they know that you care about the support they are giving you. 


Here are the 15 bloggers that I nominate for this award as I think they deserve some recognition:

1. Rhianna Johnson

2. Milenka

3. Lynn

4. Alice

5. Karina

6. Abbie


8. Claire Cramphorn

9. lifeinkateish

10. sophlaetitia

11. Alice

12. Haya

13. Hannah

14. Audrey

15. Bervin


What advice would you give a new blogger? I would love to know what you have learned from blogging. Let me know in the comments down below!

Thanks for listening♥


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