Let’s Talk Self-Care│Blog Schedule

Since the day I started this blog, I have seen such growth and have met so many great bloggers along the way! I am so grateful for all the support and love I have been getting! I would not have gotten to where I am currently if it was not for my lovely readers, so I want to personally thank you!♥


I wanted to take today to just talk to you all and explain what has been going on in my mind. I have been stressing out a lot lately and most of it comes from my full-time job. The front desk girl at my work had her last day about 2 weeks ago, which means that I have been covering all of her work. Doing my job duties and covering someone else’s job has been very exhausting. There are days where I come home and my brain just feels dead where I do not want to do anything. The good news is that we did hire someone for the front desk and she will be starting Wednesday. THANK GOD!


Now, this is not why I wanted to talk to you… I realized, in these past two weeks of doing two jobs, that I need a little self-care and should not overwork myself because it just causes my brain to shut down and causes me to become energy deprived. After this eye opening realization, I asked on twitter if I should try to stick to posting two times a week or if I should not over-stress myself and make the decision to post once a week on my blog. 14% of people said I should stick to twice a week posts, while 86% said that I should not worry myself and just go down to one post a week.


This really made me realized that I really have people who care about me and truly love reading my blog no matter how many times I post a week (obliviously I would never post less than once a week, but you know what I mean). After the results I got from the twitter poll I have decided to switch my blogging schedule to once a week on Wednesdays. I just need to make sure that I am taking care of myself, so I hope that you respect my decision and continue to enjoy my blog as I enjoy reading and responding to all your comments!


Again, I really appreciate all the support and hope you understand my decision. I want to make sure that I make the best content for my readers while making sure that I do not overwork myself since I do work a full time job currently as an accountant, write for my blog, and produce YouTube videos as well. I hope to be able to do my blog and YouTube channel full time in the future so all the support is very much appreciated♥


I also want to let you all know that you should never overwork yourself and make sure that you take care of yourself. I thought that if I produced so much content that people would come flooding in but that is honestly not the case with blogging. You just need to believe in your passion, be yourself, connect with your readers and other bloggers, and just make sure that you are being honest and genuine♥

What do you think of this change? Have you been over working yourself? Do you need to work on your self-care? Talk to me in the comments below! I love to hear from you guys!

Thanks for Listening♥


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The Versatile Blogger Award

I just recently got nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by the lovely Hannah♥ She is sooo sweet to nominate me for this award and I am so grateful to be connecting with such lovely bloggers!


  1. Display Award.
  2. Thank the person who gave this award (and include a link to their blog.)
  3. Share seven things about yourself.
  4. Nominate bloggers.

Here are 7 facts about me:

  1. I am really obsessed with Pugs… if you couldn’t tell by my previous Pugs: The Best Companion post.
  2. Halloween is my favorite holiday because I love doing FX makeup (especially on my Husband)!
  3. I find it extremely satisfying to extract blackheads from pores, especially from my husband’s overly enlarged pores as I shared in my Shills Deep Cleansing Black Purifying Peel-Off Mask Review post. (I know… GROSS, but just being honest).
  4. Singing is one of my passions, along with skincare, blogging, and making videos♥
  5. I listen to spa music every night as I go to bed because I find it soothing.
  6. When I take a bite of food, I have to split into two pieces inside my mouth. Then I chew half on one side of my mouth and the other half on the other side of my mouth because I am slightly OCD… okay… maybe a lot OCD (My husband even makes fun of me for this)!
  7. I have always dreamed of being Tinkerbell at Disneyland!


These are the lovely bloggers that I nominate for this award:



Becca Michelle

Maria J

Please check out these wonderful bloggers! Thanks for Listening♥


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The Big Leap│Buying My Domain+Long Term Plans

I know I am still a fairly new blogger, but I have made a decision to take my blog to the next level and really commit long term. I made the decision to buy my own domain and I want to share my reasoning and thoughts behind the decision.


I started my blog about a month ago, which is not long, but I have met some lovely people along the way and hope to meet more as I continue to grow my blog. I have long term plans for my blog, which is why I have decided to buy my domain earlier than I originally planned… This way I can show that I am serious about this blog and that I plan to make this into a career.

Now, I know what you are thinking… “Here comes the ad monetization”… But that is not the case, at least for right now. Don’t get me wrong, I plan to use ads in the future, but to an extent and not until I grow my audience and have more of a connection in the blogging world. And do not worry… I do not plan on slapping a bunch of ads throughout my blog, especially throughout my posts (no sir). Ads are something that I do not plan on being the highlight of my blog or source of advertising, if you know what I mean. I plan on working mostly with brands because I think there are some amazing brands out there who need to be shared with people. When I make the decision to monetize my blog with ads, rest assured knowing that I will let you know. Of course, I will always mark the posts that are sponsored as well, you can read more about that in my PR/Disclaimer page. But for now, I just plan on purchasing my domain to make my blog a bit more professional rather than just a hobby.


From the day I started my blog, I have come to find that I really have a passion for writing and sharing my advice with people. I do consider myself a people person as I love helping people out in many different ways, which is what I plan to do with my blog. I hope to give product/service reviews to recommend products that I find could be helpful, inspire people to be themselves, and give my advice on different topics that I hope could help someone out. I always look at reviews before buying a products because, of course, I do not want to spend my hard earned money on something if it was not at least recommended to me, especially if it is expensive (lets be honest most people in their 20’s probably are thinking the same thing). I always look at reviews before buying a product. That is why I find that when someone recommends a product to me, I feel more comfortable trying it out to see if I will like it or if it will help me. Don’t you agree?


Now with buying my domain, there is always two options to choose from… going hosted or self-hosted. Let me tell you, I looked deeply into what I chose to do and I finally came to the conclusion that I wanted to stay on a hosted network just for now. Since I am still fairly new, I feel it would be best if I stayed on a hosted network at least until I have really gotten a handle on the technology side of a website. I am choosing to stay on WordPress.com for now and just buy a domain on here so that I can focus more on my content and I can continue to pour my passion into this love for blogging I have.


I am really excited about the journey ahead of me and can’t wait to see what the future holds for my blog♥ I hope to inspire any of you thinking about possibly taking your blog to the next level! If you have any questions please ask! I would love to hear some feedback from you guys.

Have you bought your domain yet? Did you go self-hosted or hosted? Why did you choose what you went with? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for Listening♥


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Blogger Recognition Award Nomination

I am so so so excited to announce that I have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by the lovely Samantha Marie. It seriously feels like a dream because I cannot believe I am only about a month into my blog and I am already nominated for a blogger award♥ I am just so thankful for the lovely people and bloggers that I have come to know throughout this journey so far!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated
    them and provide the link to the post you created.

I started my blog about a month ago and had the plan from the beginning that I was going to pour my passion into it. When I started this blog, I realized how much I love writing and how much I wanted to share my life and life’s adventures with whoever wanted to read. I never knew how many amazing people I would get to meet out of this decision. Starting this blog was the best decision I have ever made and I plan to continue to grow my blog into a life long partner because I have never wanted to put so much passion into something. My plan for my blog is to inspire people and share all my advice with all the lovely people that come across it. My blog is entirely about lifestyle that ranges from beauty and skincare to adventures and health/wellness by giving product reviews and sharing my life experiences.

I am still a fairly new blogger but… from what I have learned and experienced… my advice to new bloggers is to put your whole passion into your writing (whatever it may be) and make sure to make connections. Passion is what lights the fire to your blog and will be the thing that connects you to some wonderful people who truly love what you write about. Just be yourself and you will find people who really want to listen to what you put into your passion. Making connections through your passion is definitely something special, so do not steer away from connecting with your readers. Always respond to any comments and even reach out to your readers so they know that you care about the support they are giving you. 


Here are the 15 bloggers that I nominate for this award as I think they deserve some recognition:

1. Rhianna Johnson

2. Milenka

3. Lynn

4. Alice

5. Karina

6. Abbie


8. Claire Cramphorn

9. lifeinkateish

10. sophlaetitia

11. Alice

12. Haya

13. Hannah

14. Audrey

15. Bervin


What advice would you give a new blogger? I would love to know what you have learned from blogging. Let me know in the comments down below!

Thanks for listening♥


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